The Extensive Needs Service (ENS) is a program that provides highly personalized, wrap-around supports for children and youth with urgent and complex needs closer to home.
This integrated pathway helps reduce barriers to accessing evidence-based and trauma-informed treatment for children and youth living with multiple complex neurodevelopmental, behavioural, medical and physical needs as well as social vulnerabilities.
Grandview Kids provides this service as a community partner of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, who jointly leads ENS with CHEO and McMaster Children’s Hospital.
Eligible clients include children and youth whose needs have not been addressed by services currently available in Durham Region.
Grandview Kids’ ENS interdisciplinary team includes, but is not limited to, physicians, social workers, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and behavioural support clinicians, who work together to provide tailored supports based on the individual needs of the child or youth and their families.
Services are individualized, trauma-informed and can include:
- Adjusting medications
- Personalized behaviour therapy
- Social work, such as counselling for parents and caregivers
- Other specialized interventions to support children and youth to reduce challenging behaviours and treat underlying health concerns.
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital also partners with Michael Garron Hospital, Children’s Treatment Network, and Surrey Place to support clients and their families living in Toronto neighbourhoods. Services offered by Grandview Kids are provided in the Durham Region.
If you have questions, please contact Leigh Shortill, Clinical Manager (Extensive Needs Service), at Leigh.Shortill@grandviewkids.ca.
Eligibility Criteria
- Geographic criteria: Children and youth living in Durham Region.
- Age criteria: Newborn (0) to 18 years (inclusive).
- Children and youth with existing needs that are not currently being addressed by available community resources and/or services with respect to:
- Severe and interfering behaviours (with a history of a minimum of 12 months or escalating over the past six months)
- The child or youth has received or is receiving community services by three or more providers, and needs have not been addressed
- Presence of co-occurring neurodevelopmental, physical, medical, or mental health conditions
- Immediate or at-risk safety concerns (self/others) and significantly impaired functioning that is a barrier to engagement at home, school, or in the community
- May have significant caregiver or family complexities (e.g., period of significant transition and change, finances and financial pressures, language or cultural barriers, family capacity, or living arrangements)
Referral Process – How to access Grandview Kids Extensive Needs Service
Only physicians and nurse practitioners can complete referrals to the Extensive Needs Service.
Physicians and Nurse Practitioners: Click here to refer a child or youth to Grandview Kids’ Extensive Needs Service via Ocean eReferral. Please specify that you are referring to the “Extensive Needs Service” within Ocean.
About Ocean eReferral
Ocean eReferral digitizes the paper-based fax referral process of requesting care, service and support from a healthcare provider. Ocean eReferral is available to health service providers in Ontario free of charge as part of the Ontario Ministry of Health-funded Ontario eServices Program. This new process improves the efficiency of the referral process.
For all general inquiries, information on additional resources, or to speak with a team member about making a referral or eligibility criteria, please visit our Referral Page. Our Service Navigation team will happily answer your questions and connect your child or youth with the appropriate services to meet their needs.
New to Ocean eReferral?
Click here to learn more about Ocean, how to create an account and how to submit an eReferral.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which organizations are leading the implementation of Extensive Needs Services across Ontario?
In 2023, the Ontario government announced its investment into a new program at Holland Bloorview, the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and McMaster Children’s Hospital to support children with extensive, urgent and co-occurring medical, physical and developmental complexities and/or social vulnerabilities. It’s called the Extensive Needs Service.
How is the program funded?
The program is funded by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS).
What is the cost?
There is no cost for families enrolled in the program.
Can I refer myself or someone I know to this program?
Referral by a physician or nurse practitioner is required. Please refer to the Extensive Needs Service eligibility and referral information detailed at the top of the page before initiating a referral.
How were Holland Bloorview’s partners selected?
Data shows that both the Durham Region and parts of east Toronto have a high concentration of children, youth and families who need this essential service.
By partnering with Grandview Kids, located in the Durham Region, and Michael Garron Hospital, based in east Toronto, families currently receiving care from those health-care institutions can access this critical service closer to home now.
Holland Bloorview’s partnership with Surrey Place will provide seamless access to service through specialized coordinated service planning for children, youth and families currently receiving care through Holland Bloorview’s Extensive Needs Service program.
Extensive Needs Service Tri-Agency Lead Partners