At Grandview Kids, keeping up-to-date with new advancements in psychological and paediatric studies is critical in order to best work with and treat the children in our care. Our research team dedicates much time and effort into reading and fact checking these studies in order to confirm their legitimacy as educational tools. Our team has compiled a list of readings to keep you in the loop with our recent research. We hope you find them helpful!
What we’re reading now:
- Measure of Processes of Care: a review of 20 years of research. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 445-452. Barbara J. Cunningham., Peter L. Rosenbaum (2013).
- Parents’ perceptions of the services provided to children with cerebral palsy in the transition from preschool rehabilitation to school-based services. Child: care, health and development. 455-463. M. W. Alsem, M. Verhoef, J. W. Gorter, L. C. M. Langezaal, J. M. A. Visser-Meily and M. Ketelaar (2016).
Here is a list of their most recent readings:
Most of these studies and articles can be found with a simple google search!
Developing a classification system of social communication functioning of preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 1-7. Di Rezze, B., Rosenbaum, P., Zwaigenbaum, L., Cooley Hidecker, M. J., Stratford, P., Cousins, M., et al. (2016).
Folinic acid improves verbal communication in children with autism and language impairment: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Molecular Psychiatry, 00, 1-10. Frye, R. E., Slattery, J., Delhey, L., Furgerson, B., Strickland, T., Tippett, M., et al., (2016).
Clinically relevant copy number variations detected in cerebral palsy. Nature Communications. Oskoui, M., Gazzellone, M. J., Thiruvahindrapuram, B., Zarrei, M., Andersen, J., & Wei, J., et al. (2015).
Parents’ adoption of social communication intervention strategies: families including children with autism spectrum disorder who are minimally verbal. Journal of Autism Developmental Disorders, 45, 1712-1724. Shire, S. Y., Goods, K., Shih, W., Distefano, C., Kaiser, A., Wright, C., et al. (2015).
Prenatal exposure to acetaminophen and risk of adhd. Pediatrics, 140(5), 1-11. Ystrom, E., Gustavson, K., Brandlistuen, R. E., Knudsen, G. P., Magnus, P., Susser, E., et al. (2017).
Stay tuned for more reading materials in the future:
We hope that you find articles like these ones as informative and educational as we have, and can make use of the information provided in them. At the very least, maybe you learned something new and exciting, like we did.
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- Volunteer Spotlight – Maureen M.
- Make a difference: Volunteer at Grandview Kids!