Congratulations to Dr. Shannon Knights! We are thrilled to announce that she has been appointed as the new Head of the Community Section of Developmental Pediatrics. This section brings together Developmental Pediatricians across the GTA and allows us to collaborate, learn and advocate together. We are so happy to have Shannon as the leader of this group, representing the needs and voices of our Durham Region community and #TeamGrandview.
I attach the announcement from the Head of the Academic Centre based leader, Dr. Darcy Fehlings.
From Dr. Fehlings:
It is with great pleasure that I would like to announce that Dr. Shannon Knights has accepted the position as head of the Community Section of Developmental Paediatrics in the Division of Developmental Paediatrics. Shannon is an excellent community based Developmental Paediatrician working at Grandview Children’s Treatment Centre. I know she will provide excellent leadership for the community section in this role. I would also like to acknowledge the excellence that Dr. Cynthia Goldfarb has brought to the role. I know that all of Dr. Goldfarb’s hard work and initiative will help Shannon be successful in the role going forward. Please join me in congratulating Shannon!
Don’t worry – Shannon will still be here with us at Grandview in her current role, continuing to see lots of GrandviewKids and supporting medical services in our goals for an inclusive and broad range of medical services for children in Durham Region. This appointment raises our profile with our academic community and we look forward to seeing what further opportunities this brings.
Congratulations again Shannon on this terrific leadership opportunity.
Dr. Carolyn Hunt
Developmental Pediatrician
Medical Director, Grandview Children’s Centre
Research Chair
Associate professor, University of Toronto, Department of Pediatrics
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