About the Social Detective program
The social world is a big, complicated place where we are all social detectives who observe, gather, and make sense of clues in different social contexts (settings, situations, and the people in them). In this group, participants will learn the power of observation, reading environmental contexts, analyzing clues they see within their environment, and the power of choice on how to respond, all while also creating and learning new ways to think about their social relations.
Participants will:
- Learn formulas for gathering clues by observing a setting, the situation, and the people in it
- Be empowered to figure out how the social world works through their own detective lens
- Learn to identify feelings and emotions and connect them to behaviours
- Understand that all feelings are okay, even confused ones, and we can still learn and grow
- Have numerous opportunities to make smart guesses about hidden social rules in various situations
- Celebrate how all of us are social observers who are affected by others’ actions and reactions
- Be 7 to 10 years old
- Benefit from explicit direction in the program topics
- Be able to manage in a group environment with a 4:1 (child to clinician) ratio
- Have a reliable method of communicating their wants and needs
- Not engage in harmful behaviour to self or others
- Respect a closed door
Sessions will run Tuesdays from 5pm-6pm from November 21 – January 24 at Grandview Kids Oshawa Main Site (600 Townline Road South, Oshawa) . Workshop development and program supervision are overseen by Grandview staff, including Autism Therapy Assistants and Board Certified Behaviour Analysts.
Please note: The Social Detective program is eligible for OAP Core Clinical Services budgets.