Dressing, Bathing and Toileting
Below are Dressing, Bathing and Toileting resources for parents and caregivers. Click on the resource to access it. Resources Handouts Dressing: clothing hints Handwashing sequencing strip Pre-dressing activities Sleep tips: how to...
Colouring, Printing and Scissor Skills
Below are Colouring, Printing and Scissor Skills resources for parents and caregivers. Click on the resource to access it. Resources Handouts Beginning Printing Cutting Skills Feeding Activity Suggestions for Mealtime Fine Motor...
Behaviour and Attention
Below are Behaviour and Attention resources for parents and caregivers. Click on the resource to access it. Resources Handouts Developing Organization Skills Learning to Wait! (Tipsheet) Tips for Transitions Using Visual Supports...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Purchased Services billing updates
Please review the FAQs listed below about our updates to services from our Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) and Occupational Therapists (OT) in Grandview Kids' Purchased Service offerings. What is the difference...
October: Dates of Significance
In October, we acknowledge Learning Disabilities Awareness Month, Global Diversity Awareness Month, International Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Month, National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), Canadian Islamic History Month, Women’s...
Acknowledging holidays/celebrations in October
In October, we acknowledge Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret and Diwali. Below, read more about each holiday/celebration written by members of our Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)...
October 6: World Cerebral Palsy Day
World Cerebral Palsy Day, which occurs annually on October 6, reminds us that this disorder impacts over 17 million people. Many people wear green to celebrate World Cerebral Palsy (CP)...
October 20-26: Invisible Disabilities Week – Zayla’s Story
Grandview Kids serves many children and youth with various medical diagnoses. A large population of these children and youth have disabilities that are sometimes referred to as "invisible disabilities." According...
October 20-26: Canadian Down Syndrome Week – Ariana’s Story
Written by a Grandview parent My husband and I are proud parents to three beautiful children, ages seven, five and three months. There is never a dull moment in our...
Volunteer Spotlight – Kerry L.
Meet Grandview Kids Volunteer, Kerry L.! How long have you been volunteering at Grandview Kids? Since June 2023! Has anything interesting happened to you while you were volunteering at Grandview...