Directions to Grandview Kids at the Bowmanville Health Centre

Arriving by car
Once you park your car*, you can either enter via the East or South Wings. If you do not need elevator access, enter via the East Wing. If you do need elevator access, please enter the South Wing. See directions for both Wings below.
*Please remember to get your free parking pass from a Team Grandview member before leaving!
Entering via the East Wing
The East Wing is located to your left as you walk towards the Bowmanville Health Centre from the parking lot.

Climb the stairs to your left, enter through the doors at the top of the stairs and take your first right.

Grandview Kids is located at the end of the hallway on the left in Suite 201.

*Please remember to get your free parking pass from a Team Grandview member before leaving!
Entering via the South Wing
The South Wing is the centremost entrance as you walk towards the Bowmanville Health Centre from the parking lot.

Make your first left after entering through the South Wing and proceed to the end of the hallway until you reach an elevator. Take the elevator to the second floor.

Open the door directly in front of you. Grandview Kids is in Suite 201, which is the first door to your right.

Arriving by public transit
The Bowmanville Health Centre is located at 222 King St. East. Once you get off the bus, enter the East Wing. The East Wing is located to the right of the front of the building.
Entering via the East Wing

Grandview Kids is located on the second floor. Either take the elevator or stairs up to the next floor.

Grandview Kids is the first location down the hallway of the second floor on your right in Suite 201.