Written by our Volunteer Manager, Tara C.
Universally, people recognize the contribution of volunteers who are involved in just about every aspect of service delivery in all walks of life. However, volunteering does not succeed in a vacuum. That is why we celebrate International Volunteer Managers Day (IVMD) every year on November 5.
“As Grandview Kids’ Volunteer Coordinator, I am inspired on a daily basis by the level of dedication and support our volunteer team provides. I am so fortunate to work with such an amazing team of volunteers and staff.

My role focuses on in-centre volunteering activities and includes recruitment, collaborating with staff on training and development of opportunities, scheduling our team of volunteers, planning communication and recognition initiatives, and evaluating and recognizing volunteer contributions.
At Grandview Kids, volunteers contribute to our successes every day. Our volunteers are comprised of students, retirees, and working professionals and work across the various sites throughout the community that we serve.
Volunteers take on many roles at Grandview Kids. We have in-centre volunteering, which includes Screener/Greeter at the Welcome Centre; assisting with Recreation Therapy groups, Summer Camp, research opportunities, and virtual workshops; and supporting specialized programs such as Free to Read, Courage Beads, and pet therapy visits.

Volunteers also lend their expertise and talents in other areas at Grandview Kids, which include contributing their expertise on a Board or Committee and assisting the Family Engagement Team and Grandview Kids Foundation with special events in our community.
I feel thankful and proud to lead this generous, talented, and motivated group of individuals. I look forward to continuing to grow our Volunteer Program, and the future opportunities that the new build will present for volunteers are very exciting, too!”
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