Pink Shirt Day – February 28
Join us and others to take a stand against bullying and be an advocate for kindness and inclusivity by wearing a pink shirt on February 28, 2024.
Introducing AlayaCare, our new Electronic Health Record
AlayaCare is our new Electronic Health Record (EHR) technology that will replace our existing software.
Rare Disease Day – February 28
Rare Disease Day is an international event held on February 28 to raise awareness about the impact of rare diseases on people’s lives and to emphasize the need for research....
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week – February 7 to 14
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week is held every year from February 7 to 14. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, CHDs are the leading birth defects that...
Feeding Tube Awareness Week – February 5 to 9
Feeding Tube Awareness Week is observed worldwide during the first week in February and takes place from February 5 to 9 in 2024. The feeding tube, a masterful invention of...
February: Dates of Significance
In February, we acknowledge Black History Month, World Hijab Day, Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Missing Women’s Memorial March, and International Childhood Cancer Day. Read more about each date of significance below,...
Acknowledging holidays and celebrations in February
In February, we acknowledge Setsubun, Isra'a and Miraj, Lunar New Year, Vasant Panchami, Nirvana Day and Shab-e Barat. Read more about each holiday/celebration below, written by members of our Inclusivity, Diversity,...
Protected: Parent/Caregiver Education: Growing with Language – Narrative Workshop
Please click on the video below to view Grandview Kids' Growing with Language: Narrative Workshop.
Protected: Parent/Caregiver Education: Growing with Language – Talking Workshop
Please click on the video below to view Grandview Kids' Growing with Language: Talking Workshop.
Grandview School
Grandview School nurtures each child’s unique abilities through programming to develop skills, self-confidence and independence for a successful transition to the home school. Find out more Our Program Education Ontario...