Protected: Extensive Needs Service
Grandview Kids’ Extensive Needs Service is a new program offered in partnership with Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and is designed to provide intensive and coordinated wrap-around services to children...
Early Support for Gestalt Language Processing: An evaluation of a parent education workshop
Alishia Chamney, M.H.Sc., S-LP(c)1; Melany Cox, M.H.Sc., S-LP(c)1; Janicka Auguste, BA, CDA1; Taryn Eickmeier, PhD.1 1Grandview Kids, Durham Region, Ontario, Canada; Contact us Alishia Chamney, M.H.Sc., S-LP(c) Speech-Language Pathologist,...
Inspire art for our new headquarters! We need your help
Two Ontario Sculptors, Francis Muscat and Fly Freeman, are creating a suspended artwork for our entrance at our new headquarters. But, these artists need the help of Grandview Kids’ creative...
May: Dates of Significance
In May, we acknowledge Mental Health Awareness Month, Asian Heritage Month, Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month, Food Allergy Awareness Month, Vision Health Month, National Child and Youth Mental Health Day, GBA (Gender...
Acknowledging holidays and celebrations in May
In May, we acknowledge Cinco de Mayo, Vesak and Trinity Sunday. Read more about each holiday/celebration below, written by members of our Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee.
International Day of Families – May 15
For over a decade, the Family Engagement team has supported families to be an active part of their child’s therapy and support team. Our lived experience has shown us that...
Moyamoya Awareness Day – May 6
Moyamoya disease is a rare blood vessel disorder in which certain arteries in the brain become blocked or narrows. This can cause a brain bleed or stroke, and the damaging...
National Day of Awareness for Missing/Murdered Indigenous Women – May 5
Red Dress Day, the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S), is observed annually on May 5. People mark the day...
May is Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month
Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month is observed annually in May to bring awareness to the national crisis of pediatric strokes, a seemingly rare yet critical issue that often flies under the...
Volunteer Spotlight – Bronwyn L.
How long have you been volunteering at Grandview Kids? I did my Grade 11 co-op with Grandview School, where I was introduced to Grandview Kids. I started volunteering at Grandview...