Written by Grandview Kids Autism Therapy Assistant, Brittany
Are you finding it challenging for your child to move from one activity to the next? How about one place to the next?
Explaining transtions
It sounds like transition strategies may be of some help—but first, what are transitions?

Simply put, transitions are changes. These changes may be small such as daily routines like toileting, bedtime, mealtimes, moving locations within the house, or switching activities. Transitions can also be major such as changing schools, moving houses, or entering into lockdowns.
If you notice that transitions are challenging during day-to-day routines and activities, try out some of these strategies to make the transition smoother for everyone involved!

- Give a warning, maybe 2, prior to the transition occurring to help prepare your child for what is about to happen; warnings may include using visual timers, sound timers, or gestures.
- Ensure once you’ve given an instruction (e.g., “it’s time to eat dinner”) that instruction is followed through.
- Offer choice when possible (choice of next activity, choice of where to sit, choice of materials, etc.).
- Plan for changes, or challenges (e.g., make sure you have time to follow through).
- Praise your child for doing all the little things (e.g., “nice listening the first time”, “Great job cleaning up”).
- Use visuals or help your child as necessary throughout the transitions.
- Be consistent! Consistency is KEY, this includes consistency amongst caregivers, expectations, and following through.
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