List curated by Grandview Kids’ Social Work Services Team
The following organizations offer programs and services to lend a helping hand around the holiday season. They may be able to offer assistance with food, clothing and/or toys. Please contact them directly for further information. Typically registration starts in early November. Registration is either over the phone or online. Families can choose one organization of their choice.
Ajax/Pickering Salvation Army
Tel: 905-427-7123
Address: 122 Hunt Street, Ajax
Serves residents of Ajax, Pickering and Uxbridge.
To register, email:
Bowmanville Salvation Army
Tel: 905-623-2185
Address: 75 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville
Serves Clarington residents. Call to book a registration appointment any Monday or Friday until December 3.
Oshawa Salvation Army
Tel: 905-723-7422
Address: 45 King Street East, Oshawa – registration online for Oshawa and Port Perry residents.
Simcoe Hall Settlement House
Tel: 905-728-7525
Address: 387 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa
Serves Oshawa residents.
Toy Program registration is full, families will be placed on a waitlist.
Holiday food hampers will be available from the food bank as of Monday, November 30, 2021.
Southside Worship Center
Tel: 905-428-1985
Address: 55 Emperor Street, Ajax
Serves Ajax/Pickering residents.
Online registration
St. Andrew’s Community Outreach Program
Tel: 905-668-4022
Address: 209 Cochrane Street, Whitby
Serves anyone in Durham Region.
You can also find out more information on the Region of Durham’s Food Resource Directory website:
Happy Holidays!
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