The following agencies offer programs and services to Durham Region families over the holidays. They provide access to food, clothing and/or toys. Please visit our website to see the list of organizations. You will need to contact the agency directly for more information. Note that families are only able to access one program, as the participant lists are cross-referenced.
Wishing everyone a warm and happy holiday season.
Ajax/Pickering Salvation Army – 905-427-7123
- 122 Hunt Street, Ajax
- Serves residents of Ajax, Pickering and Uxbridge. Email information below to: Names and birthdays of everyone in household, address, phone number, total household income and expenses including rent/mortgage.
Bowmanville Salvation Army – 905-623-2185
- 75 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville
- Serves Clarington residents. Call to book registration appointment.
CAREA community Health Center – 1-877-227-3217
- 115 Grassmere Ave, Oshawa
- Serves anyone who is currently a client or registered with one of their food banks.
Oshawa Salvation Army – 905-723-7422 * press 9
- 45 King Street East, Oshawa (please use King Street doors)
Simcoe Hall Settlement House – 905-728-7525 (serves Oshawa residents)
- 387 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa
- Serves Oshawa residents.
South Side Worship Center – 905-428-1985
- 55 Emperor Street, Ajax
- Serves Ajax/Pickering residents.
St. Andrew’s Community Outreach Program – 905-668-4022
- 209 Cochrane Street, Whitby
- Serves anyone in Durham Region.
You can also find out more information on the Region of Durham’s Food Resource Directory website.
Check out more Grandview Kids articles
- In memory of Ross Mackie – Cherished friend of Grandview Kids
- March 18: National Trisomy 18 Awareness Day – Jamilah’s Journey
- March 1: International Wheelchair Day – Justine’s Story
- Celebrating Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month!
- Kiara’s Story: National Epilepsy Awareness Month