On November 1, 2017, a few members of the Grandview Kids staff brought their children into the centre for the annual “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day 2017”.
Staff members Cherie Kerr, Shelley Frizzell and Susan Kehler brought their children in to see what Grandview Kids is all about.
The day was definitely a success! All three kids who decided to spend their day with us learnt a lot and had a great time.
Cherie’s daughter Kendra said she “enjoyed being able to have a new experience being in the workplace and also being able to observe different kinds of therapy up close. I was able to observe different kinds of therapy like speech, physiotherapy and occupational therapy. I also got to watch a cast being put on. I learned about some of the different ways to treat children with neurological diagnosis and various developmental delays. It was very informative and fun overall. I think that it really helped to see a work environment that I’m interested in possibly pursuing.”
Kendra wasn’t the only one who had a great day. Shelley’s daughter Angela also enjoyed her day spending time with the kids in the classroom. Most of her day was spent in one of the CCS classrooms, playing with the kids, helping tidy, helping with outdoor recess, library time and yoga with some time with her mom Shelley at the end of the day. Angela was also able to learn a bit about what school looks like for the kids at Campbell Children’s School.
Susan Kehler’s son Jack got to explore some of his own personal interests during his day at Grandview.
“I really had a fun day. I got to spend time with Jamie in IT and he showed me the server room. I am taking a computer class now and it was good to see a server really working, what I’ve learned about in class makes more sense to me now. Jamie also gave me some job ideas to think about in IT and told me how much money I would make in those jobs,” said Jack. “Spending time in the classroom and teaching the kids was fun too. They were really cute and funny. I think I helped teach them something. I also got to see my mom and some of her friends work with kids. The kids were cute and they played a lot of games. They were really young so they need more games to keep interested in doing the work. I also learned that washing hands is a really big thing at Grandview, we watched a video on it and I can see why it is important. My mom said that they have to be really careful to help keep kids healthy and that some kids have surgeries coming up or get sick easily. I am glad I got to spend the day at my mom’s work. I think I understand more about the kids my mom helps and why she likes it.”
We’re so glad these three had such a great day at Grandview Kids. Who knows! Maybe these three will be future employees, helping inspire possibilities for children and youth with special needs.
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