In the hopes that warmer weather will be here to stay soon, Grandview Recreation Therapist, Courtney, has created some activity suggestions that you can do outside as a family. All you need is sidewalk chalk! These activities will provide an opportunity for your family to get outside and get active, creative and most importantly have FUN together!
Activity List**
- Obstacle Course
- Sidewalk Chalk Maze
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- Target Practice
** see photo examples below.
Obstacle Course
- Draw an obstacle course with your chalk.
- You can draw zig-zags, loops, twists, as well as “balance” beams to walk on, lines to jump over, shapes to hop/step/dance in, a hopscotch board, actions to complete and so much more!
- Have your child move through the obstacle course.
- You can add a competitive element to this activity by timing your child as they move through the course, and then challenging them to try and beat their previous time.

Sidewalk Chalk Maze
- Draw out a maze using sidewalk chalk with a start and finish point for your child to find their way through, drawing the pathway with different coloured chalk.
- Make the maze “life size” and have your child move through the maze themselves.
- You could also bring out toy cars, toy animals or a ball to place at the start line and have your child help them through the maze from start to finish.

- Draw a tic-tac-toe game board with chalk – the game can be played multiple ways.
- Play a game by drawing your X’s and O’s onto the game board.
- Toss a rock or bean bag (you can also use rolled-up socks or sponges) onto the tic-tac-toe board and wherever it lands is where you draw your X or O. First to get three X’s or O’s in a row wins.
- Tic-tac-toe Team Race – Draw a START LINE away from the tic-tac-toe board. Each team has one piece of chalk and lines up behind the START line. The first players from each team have to run down to the game board and mark their designated X or O on the game board, run back and hand the chalk off to the next player on their team. The next player does the same, team players take turns until one team has three X’s or O’s in a row!

Target Practice
- Draw a target with point values with your chalk.
- Take turns tossing a rock or bean bag onto the target (you can also use rolled-up socks or sponges).
- Have those playing take three turns each throwing rock or bean bag, adding up their points.
- Whoever has the most points wins.
- You could also have each player try to beat their own score each round.

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