With all the change and uncertainty we are all experiencing these days, the last thing you need to be worrying about is providing endless complex, Pinterest-worthy activities for your children. Sometimes the simplest activities are the most engaging. Below are 5 easy activities provided by Grandview Kids Recreation Therapist, Alicia, that you can do with shaving foam to foster some interactive family fun.
Activity list:
- Marble painting
- Treasure hunt
- Blank Canvas
- Rain Clouds
- Fluffy slime
Activity #1 – Marble Panting
Materials: shaving cream, food colouring or paint, paper, popsicle stick/butter knife/fork
Step one: make a few piles of shaving cream on a plate or craft tray
Step two: add a few drops of food coloruing or paint
Step three: take the popsicle stick (or fork) and drag it across the tray 5-10 times from different starting points *picture
Step four: press the paper onto the shaving cream and life it carefully to reveal your art!

Activity #2 – Treasure Hunt
Materials: shaving cream, two containers, toys to hide, cleaning & digging tools (optional)
Step one: fill one container with clean water
Step two: fill the second container with shaving cream
Step three: hide toys in the shaving cream *picture
Step four: children can dig (with or without tools – shovels, spoons, sticks) around in the shaving cream to find all the treasure – once they locate a toy or coin, they can clean it off in the water to make it shine!

Activity #3 – Blank Canvas
Materials: shaving cream, a shower wall
Step one: create a canvas by smoothing a layer of shaving cream on the wall inside the shower or bathtub (can be done at bath time, or dry with clothes on – the shower makes for easy clean up)
Step two: choose your game! You can play tic tac toe, hangman, draw pictures, play Pictionary, practice writing letters/numbers, draw faces/Emojis to help label feelings (happy face, sad face, don’t make this too complicated)
Step three: rinse away with the shower, and repeat!

Activity #4 – Rain Clouds
Materials: shaving cream, clear glass, blue food colouring, a straw/syringe/dropper
Step one: fill the glass ¾ full of water (you can add some figurines or toys that sink to make it more kid-friendly for younger kids)
Step two: add a layer of shaving cream on top of the water (these are your clouds)
Step three: mix a few drops of food colouring with water in a separate cup
Step four: use your straw/syringe/dropper to pick up a small amount of blue water and drop it into the shaving cream about ½ way to the top of the water
Step five: this will create your rain!
*you can experiment with different liquids, oil, soap, liquid laundry detergent – mixing different liquids can create hours of experimenting and fun, this activity can easily transition into “potion” mixing*

Activity #5 – Fluffy Slime
*disclaimer – this activity is less simple and messier than the others. It might not always turn out perfectly – but that is okay!*
Materials: 3 cups of shaving cream, 2/3 cup white glue, ½ teaspoon baking soda, ¼ cup water, food colouring, 1 tablespoon of saline solution (check ingredients – make sure it contains boric acid and sodium borate, otherwise slime with not form)

Step one: mix water, glue and baking soda

Step two: add shaving cream
Step three: add food colouring
Step four: slowly add contact solution/saline
Step five: add a few drops to your hands (can wear gloves)
Step six: knead your slime for at least 5 minutes – the slime will start out very sticky but will soften as you knead (if your children are young or mouth their hands – it is better for the adult to do this step – slime should NOT be ingested – saline is a chemical – if ingested contact a doctor) if the slime is still too sticky – you can add another ½ tablespoon of saline – add slowly

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