A referral is a vital document that initiates the communication and collaboration required to deliver the most appropriate and timely service. The majority of the 7,000 referrals Grandview Kids receives are through fax. A paper-based fax presents security issues, often misses pertinent information and can have illegible handwriting. Up to 15% require follow up, creating a bottleneck and totalling about 350 hours of additional work annually.
Grandview Kids wanted to transform the way all referrals are received by moving to an electronic format, and improving the experience of our clients, staff and community partners. Grandview Kids implemented electronic referral forms using the Ocean eReferral platform, which is funded by Ontario Health for family physicians, hospitals and medical clinics and utilizes cloud-based technology, complies with PHIPA requirements, and integrates with multiple electronic health records.
Ocean’s strict commitment to protecting the personal health information is another reason Grandview Kids switched to the platform. The Ocean eReferral Network boasts the highest security safeguards as it is committed to protecting clients’ privacy, including the encryption of all personal health information before the transmission and storage of a referral. The encryption ensures that no one outside a client’s immediate circle of care can access their personal health information in Ocean.
We are now accepting new client/caregiver self-referrals using Ocean, as well as referrals from doctors. We are also in the process of rolling out the online referral for school partners. As part of Grandview Kids’ commitment to access and equity, we will ensure there are ways for clients, families and partners with limited technology access or experience to submit a referral in other formats.
For more information on Grandview’s referral process, visit our referrals webpage or contact a member of our Service Navigation team at 905-728-1673 ext. 2468.
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