2023-24 Year in Review: Grandview Kids Foundation update
In this section:
A message from the Executive Director
In the 2023-2024 fiscal year, our success is indebted to our devoted donors’ steadfast support and our compassionate community’s unwavering friendship. Your collective dedication has illuminated the path toward a promising future, and we express our gratitude.
Throughout this period, we have embraced change and fostered new connections, while cherishing the enduring relationships built over time. I want to personally thank the Grandview Kids Foundation’s Life Changers. As Life Changers, and monthly donors of the Grandview Kids Foundation, you display compassion and generosity each month as you consistently make a difference at Grandview Kids. It is the unity of us, as individuals, towards a common goal that continues to inspire me.
Looking forward to the forthcoming year, anticipation fills me for the journey ahead and the milestones awaiting us as we embark on the New Grandview Kids. Our combined strength knows no bounds. I have witnessed the remarkable achievements we can attain together. To all who supported us in 2023-2024, I extend my heartfelt thanks. Thank you for believing.

With gratitude,

Brigitte Tschinkel, CFRE
Executive Director, Grandview Kids Foundation
Our vision: Provide the resources to empower all children and youth with physical, communication and developmental needs.
Our mission: Build a sustainable fundraising program and community of donors to ensure we provide Grandview Kids with the necessary resources for today and tomorrow.
Read the Grandview Kids Foundation 2023-24 Financial Statement.
“You can’t put a price on a child’s success.”
Megan, Clarissa’s Mom

Fundraising event highlights
In 2023-2024 year, the Grandview Kids Foundation was the recipient of many incredible fundraising initiatives. Through third-party fundraisers and signature events, the Grandview Kids Foundation can support Grandview Kids mission of “Supporting children and youth with physical, communication and developmental needs to live, learn and play.”
27th Annual Golf Fore Grandview Kids Charity Golf Classic
The Grandview Kids Foundation hosted its 27th Annual Golf Fore Grandview Kids Charity Golf Classic. The generosity of the event’s sponsors made it an incredible success. Thank you to the Possibility Sponsors: Blake, Cassels and Graydon LLP, Dufferin Concrete, Elexicon Energy and McDonald’s Whitby. With the generous support of community members, organizations, volunteers and sponsors, the event raised an impressive $93,000!
Dream Big, Dream Brighter: Making the Future a Brighter Place
The Grandview Kids Foundation proudly hosted the second annual Dream Big, Dream Brighter: Making the Future a Brighter Place awards dinner, presented by Elexicon Energy. The memorable evening honored two remarkable Grandview Kids clients with the 2023 Elexicon Energy Spirit of Grandview Kids Awards. Recipients Andrew and Amanda truly exemplify the core values of Grandview Kids. Thank you to the Imagine Sponsor: Parkin Architects Unlimited, and compassionate volunteers. The evening raised an outstanding $42,330 for the Grandview Kids Foundation!
Additionally, notable third-party fundraising initiatives included The Ajax Mayor’s Gala, McHappy Day 2023 and Autofest Nationals (30th Anniversary). The outpouring of support for the Grandview Kids Foundation has been remarkable. The Foundation expresses its heartfelt appreciation to key contributors such as Cobs Bread Oshawa North, Concentrix, the Durham Divas Motorcycle Club, Durham Region Home Builders’ Association, General Motors, Kelsey’s Ajax, the Oshawa Italian Recreation Club and numerous other supporters who have made a significant difference!
Corporate partnership
The Grandview Kids Foundation is proud of the partnerships it is building for the future. Elexicon Energy has been an incredible partner and friend. In 2021, Elexicon Energy made a multi-year commitment to support the children and youth with physical, communication and developmental needs accessing life-changing care at Grandview Kids. Elexicon Energy has shown the Grandview Kids Foundation the meaning of local support and care. The Grandview Kids Foundation looks forward to the publication of its corporate partnership package in the future. Thank you, Elexicon Energy, for your incredible display of philanthropy and compassion for the Grandview Kids community!
The Believe Campaign
The Grandview Kids Foundation’s Believe Campaign commenced with the hope of establishing a New Grandview Kids to meet the growing needs of the Durham Region. In September 2018, the Believe Campaign officially launched to broaden its impact.
Since its inception, the Believe Campaign has coincided with transformative changes within Grandview Kids and the Grandview Kids Foundation, paralleling the experiences of countless children, youth and families navigating their unique paths. Specifically, the campaign has witnessed the remarkable development of numerous children and youth in the community, with a focus on six Grandview Kids clients—Amanda, Teagan, Matthew, Owen, Timothy and Molly—who serve as Believe Campaign Ambassadors. The Foundation has remained committed to ensuring the campaign achieves its objectives, drawing inspiration from the remarkable development of these six individuals.
From their original photoshoot in 2014, each individual has undergone significant growth. Summer 2023 provided an opportunity to reunite and capture their remarkable progress over the past nine years. Their aspirations have evolved, marked by milestones such as high school graduation and obtaining driver’s licenses. Through the transformative programs and services offered at Grandview Kids, their journeys have unfolded, and the Foundation feels privileged to have witnessed their growth. Each journey has its unique narrative, shaping their approach to the world. The spark of hope ignited within has evolved into a flame, just beginning to rise.

Shaping and developing brilliant minds
In the 2023-2024 year, the Grandview Kids Foundation was able to share Amber and her family’s journey with Grandview Kids.

Amber and her husband have three kids, Rafya, Majid and Zaroon, and they deeply value the importance of family. They have a large, well-connected family of extended relatives who provide a great support system. Family dinners to share stories, park outings and swimming are some family favourite activities.
Amber’s children have been individually diagnosed as having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and have accessed Grandview Kids services for Speech-Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Behavioural Services and Recreational Therapy. This doesn’t stop mom and dad from including all their children in family fun. In fact, their diagnoses allow them to recognize each child’s unique abilities and want to share how neurodivergent minds can see the world through a special lens.
Rafya, the eldest, is eight-years-old, artistic, loving and affectionate. Her initial inability to effectively communicate her needs led to tantrums and difficulty in coping with certain situations. Thanks to exercises and work done in Occupational Therapy, her overall behaviour has improved. After working diligently with her Speech-Language Pathologist, she is now a chatterbox and demonstrates phenomenal emotional understanding. Once a child her parents could not understand, she now has so much to say all the time. She can show affection to her siblings and makes friends easily. She now connects in a way that she could not before.

Majid is a six-year-old math whiz – thriving when it comes to numbers, letters and symbols. Once non-verbal, he is now a fluent speaker. Although he can express his needs, he does not always understand what is being communicated to him and can get lost in conversation. Play can also sometimes become aggressive. With the help of Grandview Kids, he is working on behaviour control and social interactions. They are seeing an improvement in his behaviour and ability to focus on completing tasks.

Zaroon is the youngest family member at age three and loves to listen to music, play with cars and enjoys anything that rotates. He is currently non-verbal, tends to elope, has difficulty following instructions and experiences feeding issues. His family is looking forward to the days when they can communicate with him better. They know that Zaroon’s speech and ability to socially interact with others will come at his own pace and in his own way. Amber and her husband look forward to when Zaroon will begin to receive and benefit from Grandview Kids services. In the meantime, they are using the tools they have learned from their older children’s therapists to better help Zaroon. They are excited to see what his future will look like and know that it will be bright!

Grandview Kids has helped bring positive change and development to the daily lives of the Awan children. Their parents understand the difficulties that come along with having autistic children and want to help others know that it is okay to ask for help. They want others to have a better understanding of ASD. It is not something to cure, rather, autistic people have brilliant minds waiting to be shaped and developed.
Visit the Grandview Kids Foundation’s website to read more family Impact Stories.
Thank you for your support! We are thrilled to move ahead into the next year with renewed passion and the same mission at heart. Follow the Grandview Kids Foundation on social media to stay updated on exciting news, events and stories!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grandviewkidsfoundation/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrandviewFDN
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/grandview-kids-foundation/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grandviewkidsfoundation/
Foundation email: foundation@grandviewkids.ca

Charitable Number: 89015 8547 RR0001