2023-24 Year in Review Highlights
Watch this video, featuring members of Grandview Kids Senior Leadership Team and other Centre staff, to hear about our accomplishments throughout 2023-24.
A message from the CEO and Board Chair
As Grandview Kids closes out our 2018-2023 Building on Excellence Strategic Plan, we reflect on our successes, challenges and highlights. Within the framework of this Plan, we experienced significant growth and change. Our team grew, nearly doubling in size. Our space grew, with two new satellite locations opened. And, we began construction on our new, state-of-the-art headquarters.
We also navigated a global pandemic, converting to virtual services to reduce disruptions to client care. We established new strategic partnerships. We expanded programs and strengthened core operations. We improved care experiences for tens of thousands of children and youth with physical, communication and developmental needs.
We accomplished this through the incredible expertise, innovation and commitment of Team Grandview, plus the support of valued partners. Most importantly, we listened to clients and their families along the way, driving change for the organization and our sector.
The goal to transform client and caregiver experiences across all life stages anchored our last Strategic Plan. As we set out to facilitate a more active role for families in service design – from participation on Advisory councils, to coordinated care planning, to the addition of Family Engagement within our interdisciplinary approach – we partnered with clients, siblings and caregivers to consistently embed the family voice across Grandview Kids.
In our efforts to champion a connected system, we partnered with school boards, community partners and community agencies to co-design and co-deliver services and programs to support the diverse needs of clients and their families living in Durham Region.
With a renewed focus on Research, Innovation and Knowledge Mobilization, Grandview Kids successfully met the five strategic goals set out in 2018-23 Building on Excellence Strategic Plan. For more than a decade, Grandview Kids has committed to advancing research and evidence-based practice in paediatric rehabilitation.
Our final strategic direction focused on building capacity, which was accomplished in many ways. We have long recognized our people – Team Grandview – as our biggest asset. Our leadership team invested heavily in staff engagement throughout 2023-24, actively listening to and acting on Team Grandview’s recommendations to improve employee wellness, encourage collaboration and increase feelings of belonging.
One of the biggest changes that impacted Team Grandview was AlayaCare. This is our new electronic health record, which was rolled out in February 2024. This new, modernized clinical information system has changed the way we work. “The Incredible” Team Grandview rallied together to learn this new technology, demonstrating extreme adaptability and patience as we moved through implementation.
Many of these changes are pre-cursors – steps in a larger capacity-building strategy to ready Team Grandview to move into our new headquarters in Fall 2024. Construction has moved rapidly throughout the last year.
As we close out our 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, we will build on our momentum, while responding to increasing demand for services, changing community demographics, and evolving client and family needs.
Thank you to everyone who has inspired innovations, collaborated to make an impact, and contributed to our success over the last five years. We have laid the foundation of excellence to launch and sustain Grandview Kids into the future.
Tom + Jeremy

What you will find in this report
Click on the links below to review the corresponding content.
- Strategic Direction 1: Transform the client and family experience across all life stages
- Strategic Direction 2: Champion a connected system
- Strategic Direction 3: Advance research and evidence-based practice
- Strategic Direction 4: Build capacity
- Celebrating excellence at Grandview Kids
- 2023-24 Financial Statement
- Grandview Kids Foundation Update
- Grandview School Update