Strategic Direction 3: Advance research and evidence-based practice
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For more than a decade, Grandview Kids has committed to advancing research and evidence-based practice in paediatric rehabilitation. We successfully met the five strategic goals set out in 2018-23 Building on Excellence strategic plan.
Increase the availability of research evidence and its disciplined use to inform point-of-care decision-making
In 2018, clinicians and medical professionals had access to 359 allied health journals and 843 medical journals. With an enhanced commitment to increasing availability, staff now have access to more than 780 allied health journals and 1,500 medical journals. Furthermore, Grandview Kids offers monthly Research & Innovation Lunch n’ Learns, featuring internal experts and external guest speakers. Topics in 2023-24 included clinical listening with Dr. Michelle Servais from Thames Valley Children’s Centre (TVCC), Listening to the Margins with Grandview Kids Research Associate Dr. Fiona Moola and Nivatha Moothathmaby, and a journal club examining tiered supports for school-based occupational therapist with Clinical Manager, Marika Beaumont.
Identify, trial and assess innovations and new practices

Grandview Kids continues to seek creative ways to integrate emerging technologies into clinical practice. Guided Hands is being trialled by Occupational Therapy as a second access point to support children and youth with goals in developing fine motor skills. Vendors and start-ups seeks out Grandview Kids to trial new products, with the Research team vetting the strength of evidence through a structured Innovation Pathway.
Partner with research institutions and others to undertake research, support learning and drive improvement

A significant advancement in partnership this year included Grandview Kids joining the Joint Research Ethics Board (JREB) with Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences and the Abilities Centre. This partnership allows Grandview Kids to further contribute to the advancement of scientific discoveries and investigations to support high-quality clinical care offered within the Durham Region. Furthermore, a strong partnership with Ontario Tech University enhances the opportunity to make an impact locally, including a federally-funded research grant with Senior Research Associate, Dr. Meghann Lloyd.
Increase internal capacity to support research and accelerate the adoption of evidence-based quality improvements

Many academic institutions seek to have Grandview Kids as a partner in the recruitment for scientific studies. The Research & Innovation Committee supports the review of each study, carefully examining and appraising the quality of methodological rigor, relevance and potential impact to Grandview Kids families. In the 2023-24 fiscal year, Grandview Kids received nine requests to support research and approved six studies. These included studies from McMaster University, CanChild, Western University, Queen’s University, University of Calgary and the Bloorview Research Institute.
Share knowledge and innovative ideas externally through multiple channels
Grandview Kids is proud to have presented knowledge generated within its Centre across local, provincial, national and international channels. Highlights from this past fiscal year included co-presenting on the state of innovation in paediatric rehabilitation alongside colleagues from KidsAbility at the Empowered Kids Ontario (EKO) Spring Conference.